Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Summer Rain On The Ridge by Stephen Craig Rowe


     Last evening there was a soft summer rain with a little bump and flash.  From the porch rolling clouds were reflected in shimmering streets that seemed to sigh and steam mists that swirled on the ridge through the trees, into the woods and for a bit refresh brown lawns, sad gardens, poets, painters and roses.

    Today the rains left sauna damp memory and warm winds perhaps preceding cool breeze and signs of life.  The sunflower bowed her head as I walked by, there was no other on the dry parched streets walking in the damp of day drawn to be out and about.  As ever be well.  Stephen Craig Rowe


Beth said...

Nice reflection Stephen. I am getting very tired of this heat and each little shower we get just makes the humidity higher. :-)

Unknown said...

Our temperatures dipped a little but they're on the way back up again. Sauna was a good descritption of conditions out there today!

Here I Am Carrie said...

Oh your description made me almost smell the after rain. Alway so pleasant after it being hot and dry. We are only heating now. But very dry heat. But our yard is so shaded and always a breeze blowing it is very pleasant.

Hope said...

Dear Stephen,
nope the heat has cooled down somewhat for you by now.. its raining here today.. been doing that off and on for the past few days.. strange that we are getting more of a spring type rain in August.. go figure.. hope your day is soft and kind..