Sunday, April 19, 2009

THE GREEN WALL A Walk Of Words By Stephen Craig Rowe

The effort of the lands and hands that ever try to lay back the green are but a false hope.  A half filled sand bag thrown into raging flood waters ever rising and quenching earths deep thirst to draw man beyond the madness of holding her. 
Translating the tides to fit a neat bit for a short time only is as selfish a task as drinking the whole cold creek dry.
For a time.  And the old world had no blinds or walls or words.
When the green was the garden of all and creatures had no walls to wait for the slash and burn.
Old worn hands and faces, generations of walls, wailing streets, sad windows and fences will never hold back the green walk of words
well spent
For there are no walls to hold back the green.
As ever be well,  Stephen Craig Rowe 

Monday, April 13, 2009


Rosas e chuva, o amor ea primavera. Como poderia ter um amor sem rosas e os pensamentos de primavera? Alguns podem amar sozinho sem rosas e alguns podem amar sozinho sem mola macio arrefecer chuvas chill para a ecologização e contentamento. Como eu

andou a névoa cinzenta na cabeça fletida orações húmido passos

chamou-me de volta para sombras. Luz em profundidade

e no tranco caminharam as palavras. Pensamento as palavras que a poesia andou com


Em uma curiosa fundir de arte, auto, um lugar calmo no Todos e

Eu queria fugir.

Para mergulhar na rosas e amor, para a neblina ea ecologização

para as estações do ano e ver que apenas sonhos

Sonhos vista

uma rápida imagem de um tempo um pouco como um poema

ou oração

silencioso gasto na névoa.

As árvores no cume parecia onda, um pouco como se a brisa suave, o drizzle menos de um calafrio, e eu corri para a chuva

Já de regresso.

Como sempre estar bem, com amor,

Stephen Craig Rowe


Roses and rain, love and spring. How could one have love without roses and thoughts of spring? Some may love alone without roses and some may love alone without spring soft cool rains chill to the greening and glee. As I

walked the grey mists in head bent prayers damp steps

drew me back to shadows. Light in depth

and in stride walked the words. Thought the words as the poetry walked with


In a curious meld of art, self, a quiet place in the All and

I wanted to run.

To dive into the roses and love, into the mist and the greening

into the seasons and view dreams that only

Dreams view

one fast frame at a time rather like a poem

or prayer

silent spent in the mist.

The trees on the ridge seemed to wave, a bit as the breeze became soft, the drizzle less of a chill, and I ran into the rain

Ever to return.

As ever be well, with love,

Stephen Craig Rowe

Saturday, April 11, 2009


This holiday and holyday weekend I wish all a very good, meaningful, happy Easter and Passover.  May you ever be in the Light.  Please read full item here 
As ever be well,  Stephen Craig Rowe

Sunday, April 05, 2009

Nine Roses The Garden by Stephen Craig Rowe

Several years ago I cut some roses from my little garden and arrainged them in a champaigne flute.  Then waited for just the right light with my Cannon T50 hovering on the tripod.  When the classic composition was properly framed and the early evening light seemed to shimmer just for a moment.  I held my breath and let the shutter fly.  Later that evening at World Famous Big Al's I placed the flute of roses on the stage for a favored exotic dancer.  As she thanked me for the roses and told me how beautiful they were I saw happy tears sparkle in her eyes and smiled.
Yesterday afternoon I was able to spend some time in the small garden taking on some lite tasks of weeding and cutting back stems that winter was not kind to.  Tend to cut away the brown down to the green just above a tiny sprout.  My landlord dropped by and we made some small talk.
" Did they make it through the winter "?  He asked pointing to the roses.
" Eight of the nine did.  Don't see any signs of the JFK rose ".
" We don't have much luck with roses.  How was your trip to the VA Medical Center in Danville"?
" Mostly routine.  Lab works, a follow up interview with the surgeon, another CT scan and a visit with the wound care nurse".  It had been only 32 days since my operation I thought.  Then said,
" Will know more after the CT scan in Indianapolis later this month.  The scanner there is more advanced than the one in Danville and after the scan will meet with the radiology-oncology team".
" Hope things go well in Indy".  He said and left me to my gardening.
Time spent in the garden to me is rather like taking a walk in the woods or getting into a good book when all the trouble and strife of the world fades as one's focus is on the intricate beauty of life and thoughts are kind as they wander within and without. 
I did promise my dear friend Riette from Port Edward, South Africa a photo of the front of my house.  It is early spring and this morning is grey.  The shot was taken about an hour ago and is rather stark but as summer comes so do the hanging baskets and pots of flowers to brighten the porch.  The rest of the photographs are of the young roses and some signs of life from my walk on Saturday April 4th.
This just in from 
Listen to "Feel A Change Comin' On"
From Bob Dylan's new album
As ever be well,  Stephen Craig Rowe