Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Signs Of Life And Morphine Dreams

I arrived home late yesterday afternoon.  Nearly a week in the hospital was quite enough for now and the recovery begins to heal one stitch at a time.  One door open one door closed on long slow eve of Spring days gently grow longer and stronger while yearning for the Sun and signs of life
that shall warm faces and hearts.  Pens and swords scratch the winds that ring around all and surface from morphine dreams
to lay the words to print
Never to rest
yet lay
the poetic grace upon the screen
and become a sign of life. 
As ever be well,  Stephen Craig Rowe


Sultan said...

Hopefully there will be good healing in the weeks to come.

Riette said...

Listen . .the Lords says:""Remind yourself of My Love for you. Negative emotions will flee."

Spring is near, winter too will pass, Stephen . . . .

“As for courage and will we cannot measure how much of each lies within us, we can only trust there will be sufficient to carry through trials which may lie ahead. ”

Get well soon

Diane Dehler said...

Dear Stephen,
My thoughts and concern are with you. I am glad that you are home from the hospital as people always heal best in their own environments. Sending you warm wishes and healing thoughts.
Your Friend,
Princess Haiku

Seeking Serenity said...

I'm sorry you awoke to such a shock...
wish I could bring you some warm soup and change your dressings, wash your hair....

Barry said...

I'm relieved the surgery went well and hope the healing is uneventful.

Diane Dehler said...

Hope today is a little better. Healing takes time.

Also, have to figure out why my photo doesn't show up in my "following" list. h'm. Your suggestion of alphainventions was great by the way. Had a tidal storms of blog hits yesterday because of it.

And now I'm trying out twitter. You are a lot more tech savvy than when I first found you, on Spaces, Stephen. lol

Anonymous said...

Tudo Bem? interessante este espaço parece bem desenvolvido.........boa:)
Amei faz mais posts assim !!