Monday, August 17, 2009

PAINTING STUDIO Sunflower and The Week That Was In East Peoria, and Peoria, IIlinois. Written by Stephen Craig Rowe

Sunflower, sunflower shine on me. So sweet your beauty sang to me. Sunflower, sunflower may you ever be. Sunflower, sunfower brought light to the day. Sunflower may that light never fade.
One morning last week there was a knock at my door. A smiling young lady introduced herself as Alice and asked if I had any children. My reply was that my son is a grown man and in the US Army. She took a look over my shoulder and saw some of my paintings. " You are the artist?" She asked, and I said, " Yes, come in, come in, and see the works."
As Alice was looking at the paintings she told me that she was an exchange student from Estonia. Looking for part time work as a baby sitter. Then asked me if I knew of Estonia. Yes, Estonia is home of the Tall Blonde Vodka. She smiled and kept saying that these paintings are "So cool.", with her distinct accent. I gave Alice a grand tour of the Painting Studio and answered her questions about my work. She wanted to buy a painting to take with her to Estonia but could not afford the price. So, of course I gave her a small piece and on the back wrote: To my friend Alice from Estonia. At the end of the visit we parted with a little hug and big smiles. Never know who will come knocking upon your door. How one receives, greets, and treats a guest gives ones self and the guest a memory that lasts forever.
Not half an hour later there was another knock at the door. It was Danielle a friend and server at Jim's Steakhouse in Peoria, Il. Danny as I call her, brought me a small jar of home made jalapeno jelly and asked if I would like to join her for lunch. I told her that I would love to but had not shaved or had my morning ablutions. Whatever they are. Grin. We had a nice visit, chat and I told her that I may visit Jim's Steakhouse over the weekend. We then parted with a sweet hug and a wave.
I then chatted a bit with Sassene and then my dear friend Riette from South Africa. Did some communication with friends on MSN Windows Live Spaces, Rambling On, Douglas S. Taylor the author, and others.
Over the weekend I did go to Jim's Steakhouse for dinner. Friday and Saturday nights. It was so very good on Friday that I had to return. Tim Comfort the owner, good friend, and past employer was and is ever a gracious host. Was able to see and talk to some of the guests and co workers. It was a pleasure indeed. Spoke with Dr. Norm Estes, a friend, who is head of the College of Surgeons for the University of Illinois. I gave him an update of my condition and he offered to write or call my surgeon and told me that the facility in Indianapolis is where Lance Armstrong was cured. I also spoke a bit with the prominent Peoria lawyer Joe Napoli, also a good friend, as well as Bruce Saures former owner of the local hockey team and a Peoria landmark. Then as the night was drawing to an end Kim Armstrong from the Peoria Art Guild brought in some performers from the Peoria Blues Fest. I had to say hello and mingle a bit. Exchanging musical tid bits and such.
I also joined just because I have been part of the community since 1995. In spite of trials, tribulations, trouble and strife have a feeling that I have left a positive mark on the community that I serve with fine art, wit, my twisted humor and sometimes bad poetry. On that note I must be off for another road trip and dose of chemo. In the mean time,
As ever be well.
Sun flower sunflower shine on me. For the light of your flower shall ever be.
Stephen Craig Rowe


Sultan said...

Good wishes to you.

Pukka said...

Sun flower sunflower shine on Stephen!!!!.
For the light of your flower shall ever be.
As ever be weel, dear friend!!
Get well soon!!

Pukka said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Admiral Hestorb said...

Sunflower looks in your window (of your mind and body) and will always shine on so beautiful a person as you are.

Admiral Hestorb said...

By the way, I loved your comment a week ago beginning with "When I was a cat...."

Anonymous said...

Stephen Craig Rowe count on me whenever you give will be visiting your blog hugs Antonio

Admiral Hestorb said...

When you were a cat, your mom took good care that you had a soft place to curl up on and plenty of food and water. She took on the cares of the world for you. No wonder you were sad to see her leave today but she will be back and she is ever mindful of you.

Kathryn Magendie said...

Hello my friend -- I have been a BAD friend as I have not mailed you your signed just to you Tender Graces! Oh!!!

I do love sunflowers - my favorite flower .....

I hope you are feeling well and the sun is touching you

Anonymous said...


Milagres acontecem, a todo momento.
Vê, os dias, um após o outro,
sempre te trazem um milagre: a vida.
A vida que pulsa, a vida que pede
por algo que tu ainda não deste.
A vida é perfeita por si só, mas precisa do teu reconhecimento, para que também vejas
o que és, do que és feito.
Muitas vezes imaginas que um milagre é algo que cai em tuas mãos, uma grande oportunidade, a cura para tuas doenças...
O verdadeiro milagre se estende através de outros campos, campos que ainda tens medo de caminhar, campos que florescem por si mesmos, campos abençoados pelo Criador.
Milagre é teres consciência de quem és.
Milagre é estares atento aos teus momentos, um a um.
Milagre é estares em plena conexão com
o teu coração e, através dele, render alegrias Àquele que te toma por Filho.
Milagre é a tua respiração, o teu sorriso,
o teu olhar encantado com o nascer do sol.
Milagre é o amor que nasce dentro de ti
sem ao menos teres te esforçado para isto.
Milagre é o amor que se derrama em ti e, através de ti, atinge aqueles que
compartilham da tua jornada.
Não demores para reconhecer a ti mesmo como o verdadeiro milagre,
aquele que brilha, para sempre.

Que vc possa ter um maravilhoso fim de semana,

Antonio Educando Com o Karatê