Monday, September 28, 2009

PAINTING STUDIO And The Trans Siberian Orchestra Page Three by Stephen Craig Rowe

     Several years ago I was fortunate enough to meet Al Pitrelli and his wife Jane.  Al is the lead guitar and band leader of the Trans Siberian Orchestra and Jane Mangini is the keyboard.  We met at Jim's Steakhouse in downtown Peoria, Illinois the night before the concert and through conversation became fast friends.
    A couple of days ago my sister Pam called and told me that she and mom wanted to give me an early Christmas present in the form of a ticket to the TSO concert on Saturday November 7th at the Peoria Civic Center for the 8p.m. show.  I was and am elated by this and the seat is on the floor in section A row 8.  Right up close where I want to be.  The Civic Center is only a block or so from Jim's Steakhouse and am sure to be there for dinner before the show and cocktails after.
    Am writing Jane and Al this afternoon in hope that we can get together sometime before or after the show.  Last year we missed each other because they were in and out of town faster than I can type.  Really looking foreward to this and would love to spend a bit of time with them.  My 12th round of chemo will be concluded on the 28th of October and there should be a few weeks before surgery.
    When not touring with the TSO Al and Jane are busy with their band O'2L.  Speaking of touring I have to get ready to go on the road again to the VA Medical Centers in Danville, Illinois and Indianapolis, Indiana for another dose of chemo this Wednesday.  Will be home on Thursday or Friday.  In the mean time,
As ever be well,
Stephen Craig Rowe


Sultan said...

What a thoughtful gift.

Seeking Serenity said...

They are here doing Starwars MAN I would love to go!!

Anonymous said...

Amor maior

Se quiseres profundamente ser, tu já o és.
Se quiseres profundamente fazer, tu já o fez.
Se quiseres profundamente ter, tu já o tens.
Não há segredos para ti.
Não há transtornos, nem obstáculos.
Tudo está disponível para que tu realizes o teu bem querer, o desejo que teu coração embala.
Deixa a tua fraqueza sem alimento.
Deixa o teu tormento abandonado pelas ruas,
nas quais tu não mais passará.
Deixa o teu medo paralisado nas garras da tua coragem, da tua precisão, da tua determinação.
Refaz teus movimentos e com eles circula
pelo mundo que tu queres,
o qual te sentes inteiramente bem e feliz.
Traz à luz o teu sorriso, o brilho dos teus olhos.
Traz à consciência o teu valor,
quem és verdadeiramente.
Traz a confiança,
a confiança que teu ser tem em ti mesmo.
És capaz, bem sabes.
Arregaça tuas mangas e vai...
Transformando paredes em portas, barro em vida, cristais em diamantes, luas em sóis.
O caminho é tu quem faz.
Vai com tua paz, com tuas pessoas queridas...
Vai, e não se esquece de alimentar dia a dia
o que te põe em conexão,
em alinhamento, em segurança com o teu amor maior:
Tu mesmo!

Que vc tenha um lindo e maravilhoso dia.

Passei qui
Antonio São José dos Campos São Paulo Brasil

Kathryn Magendie said...

I'm emailing you, Stephen, about something from the Rose & Thorn email . . . just giving you a head's up in case it goes to spam

now on to read your post - :)

Admiral Hestorb said...

Fascinating. I had not heard of them prior to this.

Diane Dehler said...

Dear Stephen,
I didn't know that you had a serious health problem and my thoughts and prayers will be with you. Your concert sounds great.
Your Friend, Princess Haiku

Admiral Hestorb said...

I loved that comment today...and your adventures when you used to be a cat! :-) Er, I eman the ADMIRAL loved the comment today..yes, the Admiral.

Something Happened Somewhere Turning said...

That sounds wonderful.
Sorry to hear you are heading back to the V.A. for chemo. Ugh.

Unknown said...

Stephan, I just watched the video. They are awesome. I will have to go and see them.